Thursday, June 14, 2012

West Bayfield Co-op!

     For my work placement I decided to head over to my old elementary school, West Bayfield, so that I could work with Darren Stevens.  Mr. Stevens was my grade 6 teacher ands he is actually the reason that I wanted to become a teacher.  Needless to say I was excited to get to work with him!  He has been a grade 6 teacher for 23 years straight and each year he puts so much effort into creating new, fun activities for his students.  For example, he and his teaching partner.  Mrs. Hope do a Dragonology unit with their kids which is totally unique and interesting.  Mr. Stevens also extremely values physical education so our personalities matched up very well! 
     Everyday I would come into the school at 8:45 and I would receive a schedule from Darren of what the students would be doing that day and also the jobs that he had laid out for me.  This allowed me to plan out what I would do when because if there was ever any time I could help out in the class I would jump at the chance.  I lead gym classes, taught math lessons, helped coach track and field and I assisted the students in the tech room attached to the classroom.  Mr. Stevens personally created this tech room which makes West Bayfield one of the three elementary schools in Simcoe County to have a tech room. 

     I really enjoyed my time spent at West Bayfield, but I did also learn about some of the frustrations of being a teacher.  You have to deal with students that think they know everything, restrictions from the board office, and teachers who can't keep a freaking equipment room clean!!!  The latter issue is something I got particularly "miffed" about because in the first three days at my placement I took everything out, cleaned the room, organized the equipment, took stock of everything, and then put it back according to sport.  However, every time I returned to the room there were buckets everywhere, balls out, and nothing in the right place.  I was not a happy camper!  Although, despite those negatives there were quite a few positives!  I got to work with a great group of kids, connect with my old teachers, coach sports, and learn about the future career I would like to have as a Phys. Ed teacher.  All in all it was a great experience and I would go back in the blink of an eye!

Tyler Rowe

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