Sunday, June 17, 2012

Angie's Outdoor

My first impression of my two week co-op placement was very positive! The staff was all very nice, and they welcomed me very well. I started by just organizing everything in the store by size, and making sure everything was in it's right place. After that I started putting prices on items and dressing manikin's and setting up displays. I found the jobs I had to do fun, and I did not mind doing them. However, after about 3 days it got old. I was no longer excited about going because I found everyday very repetitive. I began to miss school very much, at least there everyday you do something different. I tried to stay positive as much as possible, but I was definitely not said when my last day came around.

If I were able to go back to when we were picking our co-op placements, I think I would go to a school or camp. Though I didn't have the greatest time at my placement I think that I have walked away with a lot of very good life lesson's that Angie taught me while we were working. She is a women who has very good morals. Overall this adds to my 100 new experiences, and it taught me a very valuable lesson, retail is not my thing.

Alexa Bettcher

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