Thursday, June 14, 2012

For two weeks I spent my co-op at Camp Couchiching. This was a great experience and I enjoyed it very much :) The staff there were the hardest working people I have seen, and I realized that the day I got there. They work around the clock and put every last bit of effort into everything. Being there I picked up some of there work techniques and tried to help out wherever I could. For the first couple of days I followed around the counselors and watched while they made the kid's faces light up. One of my favorite activities was archery, I liked it because that is where I saw kids come out of their comfort zones. One girl I remember seeing there, she was having a hard time with activities and groups because she did not know how to speak English. That being her case, made her not want to participate and was excluded from groups. In archery the instructions given by the counselor were easy to follow cause you just had to wash and observe techniques. Sure enough she caught on quickly and was getting bulls-eyes every time. It was the best thing to see her face light up and all the older boys look at her with their mouths open. That was one of my favorite memories there :)
The next week I was mostly on the water as it got pretty hot. I was in charge of helping kids with their boats and to help them if their boats tipped over. I definitely  got some muscle while doing that for a week. There were so many other activities that I had he chance to do; kayaking, canoeing, archery, Bic-boarding, arts and crafts and  a lot of others. I wish I could have stay there longer, it was quite the experience and was nice to meet such a lovely group of people and kids :)

Bailee :)

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