Wednesday, June 20, 2012


"Welcome to Muskoka Woods, a place where friendships flourish, confidence grows, and creativity reigns."
-Muskoka Woods Staff Welcome Speech
On May 21st we arrived at what we didn't know was going to be one of the most fantastic places EVAR! From ziplinging to archery to the giant swing we always had the best time no matter what. That wasn't because of the activities we did, it was because of the people we were with!
The staff at the Muskoka Woods Ultimate Tourney

Muskoka Woods was nice because it was like it's own sustainable city! Even though there was some urbanization, there was a lot of nature within the area.

Muskoka Woods is completely open christian camp, and they do not care who knows. They are sponsored by INSIRE with Outdoor Recreation. INSPIRE stands for Invite, Notice, Serve, Participate, Instruct, Reflect, and Evaluate.

Tara and Talyse and MO!

The first week I was able to shadow Tara and Talyse, to what we thought was one of the best weeks ever! This was because the kids were so fantastic, they taught us a dance, and they made us a card in the end! 
All in all, it was one of the best experiences ever, and I will be back there soon!

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