Saturday, June 16, 2012


We all had excellent experiences at our co-ops it seems like, I especially loved camp wahanowin. First of all, its in my lovely home town of Orillia! But growing up, going to camps was one of my favourite adventures so going to camp and being a leader was so interesting! Me and ann got our own cabin to ourselves which was awesome! To actually have a warm shower you had to run the hot water tap for at least 15 minutes (no exaggeration), there were plenty of mosquitos to go around and we had beautiful weather all of the first week! You may be surprised but i did indeed get a bit of a sunburn.... Our first week we job shadowed other counsellors in the area we wanted to lead the following week, I chose enviro (environmental studies) where you led the survival game, which was like predator and pray, and we did outdoor cooking and nature walks. I met so many interesting and amazing people. One person I'll never forget is Joey. He was 23 and led enviro with me, and only in 2 weeks he turned into a big brother figure. He was so goofy and always rode around camp on this squeeky little bike, so if you heard the squeeky bike you knew he was around!  Pete, our supervisor, was so funny and welcoming. I had my own cabin group to lead on the 2nd week, and they were the sweetest kids ever! They were little grade 5 boys and they were so funny and quite mature for their ages actually! But being young boys, they were very energetic and  wore me out quickly! I had no problem falling asleep those few days...

(Thanks, Ann)

I feel like that camp gives you so many opportunities to be adventerous and express yourself freely and no one cares, and thats something that can be difficult to find these days. Everyone there is so close just because its so easy to bond with them!Im so excited to go back and work there for the summer! Like the staff 2012 quote states; "A summer to remember!."

This being my last Geo 2012 blog entry, I just wanted to say i had an unreal semester with each one of you and Ill never forget this semester!

Christy :)

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