Monday, June 18, 2012

Steele Street Public School

On May 22nd, I went back to my elementary school taking part in grade two and grade eight again. I very much enjoyed those two weeks being able to sleep in, not a whole lot but a little bit later. As well as only having to walk down the street to get there. Aka, it took two minutes tops, which was super nice.

My favourite part about working with the grade two's was being able to run their "drama" class. I got to work with them on their short stories/plays, and coach them on their acting. I got to show them how fun it is to not just read their lines but add emotion and sometimes over exaggerate. It was a fun time spent with the kids, and encouraging to know I helped make what they were doing more exciting for them. I also loved working along side my reading buddies teacher Mrs. Sclater and learnt so much about her teaching style. I soon learn't how brilliant of a woman and teacher she is when I found out she had taught her students about Titanic and studied Vincent Van Go with them. As well to hear the students even enjoyed it.  

While with the grade eights I got to have fun as well and joke around with them, during track and field and such. But probably my main tasks the second week was finishing up odd jobs before the end of the year. I also enjoyed working along side Mrs. Ellis which was fun, because she is one of my good friends mom which made it super easy to along.

I am quite satisfied with my decision in choosing to do my work placement here. It was a bit awkward at first eating lunch with all the teachers in the staff room. But I soon got used to it and enjoyed getting caught up with all my old teachers. Throughout those two weeks I also realized more of  my passion in caring and talking to kids, as well as how much I love doing odd jobs. That may sound strange, but I do like being put to work, it makes me feel useful. As I said, I enjoyed my stay at Steele Street Public School, I could have stayed longer than the required time and will probably return more often.

Abby Prophet

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