Thursday, June 7, 2012

My Coop Experience to Camp Kitchi!

The two weeks i spent at Camp Kitchi was a blast, i can definitely add some things to my list of new experiences. I loved all the new people i got to interact with and meet, every day there was a different kind of group there, elementary schools, alternative school, first nations groups and families. For an entire week it was First Nations week so i learned many new things about what they believe in and their ritual type things. I got to try out smudging, they burn sash and you put the smoke over your ears, eyes, heart, mouth and soul to rejuvenate yourself. I also got to do the Indian blanket toss which was super fun. 

I enjoyed the variety of things to do at the camp, the staff didn't just put us co-ops on dish duty all the time we actually got to be involved with all the programming and games with campers. It was fun to be a part of things and get to know the kids we worked with. I did a lot of canoeing and kayaking but my favorite part was  the campfires, everyone would go to the end of the island, "the rock" and sit around singing camp songs, this always put me in a good mood. I also loved Awesome Time, this was the time that we could do whatever we chose so i would usually go swimming off the docks and the tower!

Camp Kitchi was very welcoming and i got to know all the staff very quickly, they treated us as one of the them and we had a awesome time. With one of the staff members, Katie, we got to watch a turtle lay and bury it's eggs, which was amazing to see. 

I'm so excited to go back there for our canoe trip coming up soon!

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