Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Swimmin' Day

Well today was a pretty great day (=
Started off the morning with Simms. We had a work period on our seminars, which was very worth it... Got educated about Keith Urban or something by Christy... and was shamed that I didn't know who he was by Megan.
Was very cool learning about volcanos and how AWESOME it's going to be when one errupts while we're in Costa Rica.

Charles showed a really cool video this morning of these teenagers who sent Darth Vader into space... (seems a little ironic)

But was really funny when he totally spun out of control on his way back to the ground! Then he ate the ground...
Thouroughly enjoyed that (=

Later that day we ventured to East Bayfield Rec Centre where we partook in a swimming test. Was sooooooper fun! Very exhausting but... totally worth it! (=
We practiced swimming in clothes, treadin in water, putting on lifer jackets and falling into the water.
I wish we could have gone over what to do in a situation such as this...

But i'm sure we'll be just fine in Costa Rica...
(Lauren- no offence intended) (=

Was awesome of Ms.A to let us go home right after the swimming test. Wouldn't say no to that! So, we had a shorter day than usual and after those EXHAUSTING swim excercises; who was going to argue with that.

Today I felt the group bonding as a family- from dealing with Courtney peeing in the pool to helping eachother out doing whatever activites. I feel as though we are ready to go to Costa Rica!

Geo 4 Life <3

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