Monday, April 30, 2012

Costa Rica 2012

Going to Costa Rica was unreal. The people I travelled with, the things i saw, the things we did are all aspects that made it unforgettable. I feel like I got a lot closer with each and every person in Geo and I am so happy to have had the opportunity to do it all in Costa Rica. One of the high lights I thought was the river float, even though both simms and I lost our buffs....

It was exciting and so much fun. The La Trocha day was a lot of fun because we just did spontaneous things, like eat in a tree restaurant, went to a snake zoo and played ultimate frisbee in a bull ring which was not a surprise considering we were in Simms' group.

 The Hydrological Coastal Studies was by far my favourite part though, because it was such an amazing feeling finally standing up after falling and falling over and over again and ive wanted to surf ever since i was a young one trying to surf in lake Couchiching with a foam kick board.

 I think im still in denial about being back home, and if i could I would go back right now and experience more adventures with you all.

-Christy :)

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