Sunday, April 29, 2012

Second day in Costa Rica

Our first day waking up in the Arenal Villa was very exciting because we couldn't wait for the day to begin.  We got on the bus and drove to a river where we were split into groups which would be the groups you would "float" down the river with. My group was Megan Stev, Stubbs, Natasha, Cailean, and Simms; we called ourselves "the imagination station" because Natasha and I always thought we spotted different animals but really it was just our overly excited imagination. I'm pretty sure that it was our group who started the splashing, pushing and throwing people into the water.  Natasha still holds hitting an unsuspecting log responsible for her graceful exit from our raft! That was my rose for the night. Not surprising that our group won because Simms would pounce on the other boats and throw them into the river.  Our group also found a rope swing that we attempted to swing off of, except me, who was busy getting swept down the river by the current.  HELP! Towards the end of the river all the groups met up on the side of the river where we enjoyed some nice juice, watermelon and pineapple.  Here we all jumped into the river which was hilarious because it was so hard to swim back against the current to get to the shore.   We were so disappointed and exhausted when the river came to an end.  It was time to get back on the bus and look forward to our next amazing experience.  It was always hard to think something could ever top our last adventure...but somehow the next day would.  


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