Monday, April 30, 2012

The People We Met During Our Amazing Adventure!

Dinner with locals!
Costa Rica was an amazing journey, we had many new experiences and saw many different things. Along the way we also met alot of great people. I found that everyone is very polite in Costa Rica, they are always saying Gracias and i can't even recall how many times people said mucho gusto to me for the simplest things They always had a smile on their faces and were so happy, which would put me in a great mood! 
When i went to have a dinner with my local family the mom had everything prepared for us and was so welcoming, i felt completely comfortable being in her house and had a great time.

When we first got to Liberia we met Jorge, he ended up staying with us for 6 of the 9 days as our driver. He was a super nice guy and got us to all of our destinations safely, we wouldn't have been able to do everything we did without him.
On our first full day in Costa Rica we went River Rafting and had an amazing time! My guide was Paola and she made the trip down the river even more fun! She taught me alot that day, i learned how to slap my paddle on the water to scare the monkeys and she informed us on many of the different species around. Paola was a good time and her main saying was PURA VIDA...similar to almost every other Costa Rican around! Our group would always put our paddles in the air together and chant out pura vida. She enjoyed making us laugh and at one point even jumped out of our raft and left us alone to float down the river for a bit, thinking it was a funny joke until we started going to fast out of her reach! I'm happy i had the pleasure of having Paola as my guide!
During my family dinner in La Fortuna we went to a little restaurant and had the pleasure of meeting Joshua. He let our entire family have a good laugh because he kept flirting with Laura! He always complimented her smile and said she was like a barbie doll... he was quite the character and made me laugh!

In Monteverde we went for the hike up La Trocha to town and i was in Simms group, on the way we set goals out to do along the way! One of the goals was to find a guy named Carlos. We were on our way back from town back to the Ecolodge and had almost went into all the little stores along the way so our chances of finding a Carlos were slimming. As we were walking into the Art Gallery me and Kramer were going over the goals and saying how hard it was gonna be to find a Carlos, two minutes later our group asked the workers name in the shop and he said CARLOS. Our entire group dropped anything we were looking at and ran over to the guy screaming Carlos...he must have thought we were nuts! But it was such a great feeling.

As i was walking along the beach in Samara with Lauren and Christy a Australian guy asked to take a picture with us! All 3 of us were pretty excited about this and still talk about it sometimes haha! Me and Christy both agreed we can now cross; take a picture with a hot Australian boy off our bucket lists!

Out of all the people i met in Costa Rica, the little children i met at the school were deffinately my favorite. It was a great emotional experience. I loved seeing their faces light up over the simplest things, that most of us would just take for granted. I had a blast playing soccer with them, some of the 8 year old girls were kicking my butt, which i thought was awesome! Watching them take all the clothes and school supplies was one of my highlights of the entire trip because it just made me feel so good and warmed my heart! I'm so grateful i had this experience!

Costa Rica was an unforgettable adventure, i will never forget it!

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