Thursday, March 29, 2012

Half Day

So today was the OSSLT (Literacy Test) which meant that we got to SLEEP IN and didn't have to come in to school til 12:30. Which I quite enjoyed.

However, I thought classes started at I came then. I did find Mauricio, Christy, Stubbs, Dunlop, and Kramer playing some intense President in the cafeteria naturally, I walked over and joined them (President is the best game ever). But I didn't win. Not even one round.

Anyways, at 12:30 we all went to Anrdychuk's class and did some more planning for our Apprentice projects. Most groups worked on their VTV announcements - and some got really into it...and even brought fake mustaches. I don't really know what they needed the mustaches for, but their announcement will probably be very`s a picture of Mauricio's classy stache:

My Reaction:
*mauricio what is that face*
Fifth period was with Simms, we took up tests and started our new unit on...

Yes. I love paint. 
I think this unit will prove very interesting as we learn about the earth below us and what we should expect to see when we visit the volcano and many other different landscapes in Costa Rica! Geography Rocks! (see what i did there?)

As for new experiences, today wasn't exactly packed full of them but it was a good day for us to get work done. Simms also did an activity with us where he handed out envelopes filled with strips of paper which each had a different word on them. We had to put them in the order of when we thought they appeared on Earth. I worked with Laura and Kramer, and we got pretty close to winning but Will, Courtney, and Charles (I think?) beat us to it. It was fun though, and fascinating to learn what came first in the stages of evolution.

As I'm sure we're all aware, Geo Studies has gone by so fast and is already almost half over! 
We've gotten to know each other so quickly by spending all day everyday together, and you guys are really making Geo the best class ever. Never before in my life have I said, "Tomorrow's Monday...YAY!" but I say it now because it means I get to see all your faces and I know that whatever we end up doing it's gonna be fun. 19 DAYS TIL COSTA RICA, GET PUMPED!

    - Allyson Banville :)

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