Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Never Ending Highlights

Costa Rica 2012 was full of highs. I bet you thought I was going to say highs and lows didnt you? BUT NO. The smallest moments held the most beauty while the largest moments held just as much meaning.

The moments that should of discouraged us only made us want more. Having towels swept into the oceans, ipod's destroyed and bags soaked by the tide only made us more curious of the ocean. Losing sunglasses seemed like a small price to pay to enjoy a full on frontal attack on other rafts.

There were moments you could literlay freeze and just soak up the beauty. The nautral beauty of the waterfall had the ability to mesmarize us all the sun gleamed off of it.

There were moments were we used every emotion possible. But whether it be Cailean having a full on heart attack over a bug, 4 people throwing up throughout the night, Ann shedding a few tears at an abnormal cricket, or Bailee football tackling the football coach. We were always there for each other to bask in the moment and than of course offer a helping hand.

 There were moments that seemed to go in slow motion and can be played in our heads over and over again. Seeing fists being thrown into the air at completion of hiking La Trosha or seeing heads glance back and flash the worlds largest grin as they zipped away.

There were moments were sheer joy was so obviously written on people’s faces. The look Mauricio has at being reunited with the ocean, the look Will hadwalking on the back at sunrise or the look the school children had had receiving new supplies.

But there were also moments that tested al our courage and agility. Whether it be squezzing through the birth canal or zip lining we all stood tall and proud at completion.

These experiences may only be once in a life time. 100 new experiences.

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