Sunday, April 29, 2012

 Highlights & Lowlights to Costa Rica                             GEOSTUDIES 2012


This past week we experienced many highlights and very little lowlights, while on our trip to Costa Rica.  I think we can all say that we will never forget the trip to Costa Rica and all of new things we had the opportunity to try for the first time.  For me, many of my highlights on the trip were having so many different chances to learn new things by experiencing them first hand. Things that I’ll remember for the rest of my life about this trip are the things like zip lining over the rain forest coastal studies in Samara, and swimming in the hot springs with the view of the Arenal volcano.  Some more things that are strong highlights of my trip were also the little experiences that we went through on the way. Things like playing soccer in the pouring rain in La Fortuna or playing minute to win at the eco-lodge and winning with Glass’s Family.  There were so many little highlights on this trip that could not be done again based on the people and the opportunities that we got to try.  Like every experience you have in life there are always negative situations as well. On our trip for me the lowlights were the things like not being able to go to the school. Hearing how close our class got to the kids in such a short period of time made me wish I could have done both. Playing soccer in La Fortuna with the kids in the street was a lot of fun and I think the school would have been the same.  Another lowlight for me was not spending enough time in Samara. Personally I would have rather spent another day in Samara than in Monteverde.  As much as I miss being on the beach in Costa Rica, I can’t wait to what the rest of Geo 2012 has in store.
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