Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Prep for Costa Rica 2012 !

Hola GEO !

Remember when we first started our Costa Rica countdown? (thanks Christy!) I know I had my own countdown from around 200-something days! Every time I checked it I would get more and more excited each time. It seems like Costa Rica was so far away, and as the days got closer, it felt even longer till we left !

Once April came around, and only 17 days were left, I knew everyone was getting super pumped, but we still had a lot of preparation before we left!

I know that one of my biggest fears for this trip was forgetting something that I would need while in Costa Rica, so I started my preparation as soon as possible. I made many lists with stuff that I'd need, which included what clothes I would wear (taking in account for theme days), what kind of shoes that would be appropriate, and all the extra stuff that would help this trip run smoothly. Going to the stores to buy stuff like sunscreen and bug spray was weird because it finally started to feel like this trip was actually going to happen (and not get "cancelled", thanks to the seminar group for that scare).  

But when we were put into our families, it seemed even more realistic that Costa Rica was just around the corner! Preparing for our family pot-luck and coming up with gift ideas for our extended family also made the time fly by. The prep we did for our family pot-luck was definitely worth it because our dinner was delicious (in the Glass family at least!). 

In the Andrychuk extended family was Alex, Tom, Alexa, Megan Stevenato, Laura (adopted ;) ) and myself , and our Costa Rican family was amazing ! I'm so glad we planned before we left and brought them some great gifts. It was so heart warming to see the youngest boy, Miguel, light up when I handed him the soccer ball we brought them because I know how much soccer means to people in certain countries (including Costa Rica). Also seeing Tom teach him how to use the Badminton rackets was awesome because it was a sport that he never knew about and it was something new for him to learn.

 (Miguel is missing cause he fell asleep)

April 16 was pretty exciting because it was gear check day! To be honest, I thought it was going to be more intense, but I felt beyond prepared anyways. From the itinerary test, to the document check I think everyone passed with flying colours (atleast I hope!). But when we received our GEO shirts, and our family buffs it felt like the final touch was added and we ready to go on the trip of our lives.

I can't believe after all this preparation and anticipation for this trip, that's it's already over, but I'll never forget all the amazing things I experienced and all the memories that we've made as a group. 

Thanks for the time of my life!
Emily Phillips :)

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