Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Freezing Rain Day....New Plan?

Hello students,

Looking out the portable window and the snow is starting to fall.....snowday(?).  Looks like we will need to bump our winter overnight experience to Monday/Tuesday.  I know a few students are juggling work.  Hopefully this is enough time to juggle scheduling. 

As of this moring (Wednesday) our schedule will be as follows...

Thusday - Prep Day as planned - tents, stoves, snowshoes
Friday - Snowshoe Mapping activity at Little Lake, gym for Fun Friday
Monday/Tuesday - Out overnight in Copeland Forest.
Wednesday - Atmosphere Unit Test, Climate Disaster Presentation
Thursday - Alpine ski/snowboard day
Friday - Block 1 wrap up.
March Break to follow.
Yikes!  Then is only a few weeks to Costa Rica. 
Time is going quickly!

Hope this keeps everybody up to speed. 


Hey GEO,
Just getting started today and see Freezing Rain Scheduled.  Looks like buses cancelled. 
Hmmmm..... new plan for GEO I guess.  See picture below for details. We still need a prep day so we will bump everything until Monday/Tuesday for our trip. Sound like a plan?

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