Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Test Day !

It's Monday, February 21st, just got back from the long weekend and we had a test today! I rocked it. There was a good variety of questions about our first unit, which was the environment. After the test, we watched a video on David Suzuki titled " The Suzuki Diaries" it showed us different ways that countries are converting to "green energy", windmills were a very popular form of energy production. When we came back from lunch we did some textbook work and then it was off to Flags Unlimited, where we were shown various things about the company. So far i am really enjoying the course, from all the things we learn indoors to all the fun activities we do outdoors. The trip that i have learnt the most from, would have to be curling. When we went last Friday i learnt a lot about patience because it takes quite a few tries before you get the rock to land perfectly in the opposing house. The class is amazing, all the students are really enthusiastic and easy-going! I'm really looking forward to the rest of the semester. :)

- William Lerch

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