Thursday, March 1, 2012

Snow Day Number Two

If I were a GEO kid with a snow day what would I do? hmmmmmmmmmmmm. Knowing that I have a bit of gold in my personality and that the snow days have caused the schedule to be adjusted (including a missed computer lab work period), I would structure my day as followed:
1st: I would login to Moodle and spend a few solid hours on the Career Exploration Portfolio
Next: I would convince a driver to take me up to Horseshoe for an afternoon of boarding.
Then: I would have a hot chocolate, get into some comfty clothes and enjoy the two day bonus with some quality Grey's Anatomy.

GEO CREW: I hope you are all healthy and well. This course is a true test of your FLEXIBILITY (an asset you will be able to add to your resume). Tomorrow morning when you come into class you will see your BNC Job Shadow Placements listed on the front board. Everyone will be completing their Job Shadowing on Wednesday during Period 4. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to meet with your staff member TOMORROW to introduce yourself and check if you are required to prepare anything for this experience.

Can't get into Moodle? require documents to complete your project? email me with your requests and I will email you the attachments.
Miss Andrychuk   GEO2012

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