Monday, February 13, 2012

Day 5!

Day 5!
Hey guys, so last Friday, as I'm sure you all remember, we took our first field trip of the semester! We headed out to Hardwood Hills for some X-Country Skiing where we would learn all about the style of "Skate Skiing". After being fitted up with boots, poles and a pair of skis we headed out to receive some instructions and helpful tips on how to skate ski from our knowledgeable instructor Norah. At this time Cailean and Megan also got their micro-teaching out of the way by giving us a brief history recap of the sport and by running a few drills. Throughout the morning there were a number of embarrassing tumbles and wipeouts from almost everyone, but this would not dampen our spirits! Whoever the unlucky skier was who took a tumble, he/she was always greeted with helping hands and words of encouragement.

Once all of our teaching was completed we took a quick lap of one of the many trails and then the group separated into those immediately going back to the chalet and those who wanted to stay for a small race of the trail. Those of us who stayed behind for the race lined up in single file and then at 15 second intervals struck out vigorously on the trial trying to complete it with the fastest time. Cailean left everyone in his dust at this point with an amazing time of 3 minutes flat! Thomas and I were the next closest with times of 4 minutes 10 seconds each.

After a short, but well needed, lunch break we took a few moments to learn about waxing skis and the different types of wax. Following this we had some free time in which some decided to ski a little more while others found it more appealing to stay and wax their skis. Perhaps Jonny and I should have stayed with that group because we both managed to chip our skis during the free time activities. We still haven't been billed for those skis so fingers are crossed!! :P

Following all that excitement Simms set up and awesome biathlon course for us to run and I don't want to brag but, MY TEAM WON! All in all this day was a great experience and we all shared some laughs and got to know each other even better. Geo really is shaping up quick into a tight knit family and I wouldn't wish it any other way.
Well, that’s it for now, take it easy guys!
Tyler Rowe

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