Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 7 !

Wow ! Time sure does fly when you're having fun, and that's exactly what our time in GEO has been so far!
The past week has been crazy, but very enjoyable. For the first time skiing I was a bit nervous, but I got the hang of it (eventually), and skating with everyone was so much fun! But today has been pretty different compared to the other days. 

We spent most of the time in computer labs working on our sustainable development case study, and our careers portfolio. It definitely was a bit overwhelming to do regular school work for most of the day since we haven't really done much, but it wasn't too bad. I found the case study kind of interesting, especially coming up with ways on how our country can become more sustainable. It really made you think about what is most important to the country, and how you can change it to make it better for the future. 

At the end of the day we went over some details about our curling trip on Friday. I'm so excited ! I've never been curling before so this should be interesting. Hopefully I don't fall as much as I did skiing, but it'll be fun either way! We also did a mini curling tournament, with our high-tech equipment, paper clips and paper targets on the floor! The tournament was pretty intense, but I made it to one of the final rounds! Hopefully I'll be as good at curling as I am at paper clip curling.

Anyways, I can't wait to have an amazing semester with all of you!
Emily Phillips :)

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