Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back Again...

So just looked at other peoples blogs entries and realized they were a lot longer... So I decided I will expand some more haha. Today we were not in the class as much because we had our course fair and we also left to watch wrestling. It was too bad we didn't get to see Stubbs wrestle but I heard she was very tank haha. I feel very blessed to have taken Geo with such an amazing group of individuals! I think back to Chemistry class last semester with Cailean and Mauricio and how everyday we would tell each other that Geo was coming and that is what got us through that tough semester! And it was so worth it! There are so many amazing things to look forward to this semester! I know Costa Rica will be amazing and going to a foreign country will just bring us that much closer together! By doing our true colours assignment you can tell all the different types of people we have in Geo but yet we all get along so good! As we work on our different colours I am sure we will be able to relate to people we probably thought we would never relate to which I think is really neat. For me as a blue I know I am not like a green or gold at all! But having better organizational skills and such I know would be handy so i'm looking forward to improving theses skills over the course of this semester. I am excited to see how everyone will develop throughout Geo and get to see their transformations at the end!

Megan Stevenato

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