Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I cant believe that we're ALREADY 3 days into our geo semester, it doesnt feel like it at all. so far so good though. i love the content and the way Simms and Ms A are making in the classroom a more fun learning environment. The constant change in desks keeps the room fresh and exciting unlike a room where the desks are always the same except for exam day. I was expecting geo to be fun and outdoorsy, but this takes it to the next level. And its only the 3rd day! I love all of the opportunities to move around, work with different people, and be active. Today we got Bob from Sojourn in to visit and that just got me all the more pumped for Costa Rica and all of our future adventures. I dont think my mom appreciated all of my new ideas of how our family should be more outside though. We also did the me bags with Ms A and i got to know a whole bunch of things about everyone that i did not expect at all. I will admit the flood of information and papers at the beginning confused me so bad as well as logging on to this blog but thanks to time and Ann Marie's direction I figured it out... sort of. Everything else has been super exciting and I can't wait to share the rest of the semester with all of you!

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