Wednesday, June 20, 2012


"Welcome to Muskoka Woods, a place where friendships flourish, confidence grows, and creativity reigns."
-Muskoka Woods Staff Welcome Speech
On May 21st we arrived at what we didn't know was going to be one of the most fantastic places EVAR! From ziplinging to archery to the giant swing we always had the best time no matter what. That wasn't because of the activities we did, it was because of the people we were with!
The staff at the Muskoka Woods Ultimate Tourney

Muskoka Woods was nice because it was like it's own sustainable city! Even though there was some urbanization, there was a lot of nature within the area.

Muskoka Woods is completely open christian camp, and they do not care who knows. They are sponsored by INSIRE with Outdoor Recreation. INSPIRE stands for Invite, Notice, Serve, Participate, Instruct, Reflect, and Evaluate.

Tara and Talyse and MO!

The first week I was able to shadow Tara and Talyse, to what we thought was one of the best weeks ever! This was because the kids were so fantastic, they taught us a dance, and they made us a card in the end! 
All in all, it was one of the best experiences ever, and I will be back there soon!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Etibocoke. June 18th 2012

Jonny, Me, Charles
My Co-op was at the Etobicoke Field Studies Center Just off highway 50.Charles, Jonny and myself were all part of it! My first impression of the place was, wow! right next to the heart of Toronto there is this huge biological reserve that is super diverse in both plant and animal species. I was told that over 109 deer live on the property! and although i never saw one, i always had my eyes open! The most exciting thing i found was a garter snake, it was about 1.5 feet long and when i picked it up it jolted toward my arm trying to rip it off! luckily enough i threw it away before it could sink its teeth into me.

Anyway, now to the job related things. When i arrived, i was shown around the main building by Scott, he was the maintenance guy and knew where everything was, from fire exits and extinguishers, to first aid and food. He took us out to the old wood sheds and told us we could break all 4 of them to put up a new improved one that didn't have any smelly mice in it. Destroying the old sheds was a blast, i even named the sludge hammer "the Persuader" haha it got the job done in no time! Once we had enough space to build the new shed we decided to go get the needed materials, we stopped in to a wood pickup "Drive through" at RONA, it was by far the most interesting experience I've ever had picking up wood. So then the construction started, with a little help from Scott, and Jonny's back ground of construction we got the base laid out, floor put in, side back and front walls put in, roof put on, plywood nailed in and we ended it off with a beautiful door! When we finished we were all super tired from the 2 weeks it took to finish. But most of all we were super proud of the beautiful shed that we had created.

Moving the wood into the shed was one of the two funniest memories that i will take away from this experience. As we finished building the new improved wood shed, we were told to take the left over wood from the old sheds and stack it nicely back in the new one. We used our team building skills and decided that each of us would toss a row (35-60pieces of wood) just in front of the shed, and the other two would stack them in the shed. Me and Jonny decided to get our wood throwing over with and took the first 2 of 3 rows out of the old shed, so it was Charles's time to shine! Just when he was nearing the final few cuts of wood we heard a huge scream and saw him jump back about 7 feet in two seconds! haha we asked what was wrong and he went on for about 15 minuets about how there was a scary mouse in there and he didn't feel comfortable moving the rest of the wood. The second funny thing that took place was the walky talky day. We were sent into the woods and for safety precautions we were issued a walky talky each! What our manager didn't know is that Jonny thought he was a Pilot talking into a mic, I thought i was a truckker, and Charles thought he was a director for a movie, All this just from the second we picked up our safety devises. Im sure you can find the humor in what happened for the rest of that day ;)

That was my Co-op experience at the Etobicoke Field Study Center. I wanna give a huge thanks to all of the people that made it such a wonderful time for me and to all the people that made it possible... This will probably be my last entry for a while into the Geo 2012 Blog. It has been an amazing semester and im really looking forward to the strong finish. Thanks to everyone


Steele Street Public School

On May 22nd, I went back to my elementary school taking part in grade two and grade eight again. I very much enjoyed those two weeks being able to sleep in, not a whole lot but a little bit later. As well as only having to walk down the street to get there. Aka, it took two minutes tops, which was super nice.

My favourite part about working with the grade two's was being able to run their "drama" class. I got to work with them on their short stories/plays, and coach them on their acting. I got to show them how fun it is to not just read their lines but add emotion and sometimes over exaggerate. It was a fun time spent with the kids, and encouraging to know I helped make what they were doing more exciting for them. I also loved working along side my reading buddies teacher Mrs. Sclater and learnt so much about her teaching style. I soon learn't how brilliant of a woman and teacher she is when I found out she had taught her students about Titanic and studied Vincent Van Go with them. As well to hear the students even enjoyed it.  

While with the grade eights I got to have fun as well and joke around with them, during track and field and such. But probably my main tasks the second week was finishing up odd jobs before the end of the year. I also enjoyed working along side Mrs. Ellis which was fun, because she is one of my good friends mom which made it super easy to along.

I am quite satisfied with my decision in choosing to do my work placement here. It was a bit awkward at first eating lunch with all the teachers in the staff room. But I soon got used to it and enjoyed getting caught up with all my old teachers. Throughout those two weeks I also realized more of  my passion in caring and talking to kids, as well as how much I love doing odd jobs. That may sound strange, but I do like being put to work, it makes me feel useful. As I said, I enjoyed my stay at Steele Street Public School, I could have stayed longer than the required time and will probably return more often.

Abby Prophet

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Angie's Outdoor

My first impression of my two week co-op placement was very positive! The staff was all very nice, and they welcomed me very well. I started by just organizing everything in the store by size, and making sure everything was in it's right place. After that I started putting prices on items and dressing manikin's and setting up displays. I found the jobs I had to do fun, and I did not mind doing them. However, after about 3 days it got old. I was no longer excited about going because I found everyday very repetitive. I began to miss school very much, at least there everyday you do something different. I tried to stay positive as much as possible, but I was definitely not said when my last day came around.

If I were able to go back to when we were picking our co-op placements, I think I would go to a school or camp. Though I didn't have the greatest time at my placement I think that I have walked away with a lot of very good life lesson's that Angie taught me while we were working. She is a women who has very good morals. Overall this adds to my 100 new experiences, and it taught me a very valuable lesson, retail is not my thing.

Alexa Bettcher

Camp Kitchi

My two week co-op placement was at Camp Kitchikewana (Kitchi for short).  I had an amazing time and am so glad that I chose to go there.  The staff at Kitchi were very welcoming and helpful which made us feel very safe to be there.   I  didn't realize how close you would get to them in such a short period of time but I am very glad I did.  I never thought in a million years that I could learn so much about myself in 2 weeks.  Every day there was a chance to learn new things with many opportunities to try them out;  like learning all about the proper way to canoe and kayak, even the ins and outs of kitchen duty.  While I was there I was mainly on canoeing, kayaking, land games, and campfire which mostly took up my whole day.   There was a variety of school groups who came which was cool because you got to meet many different people, from little kids to older kids from an alternative school.   There was such a range of of ages so it was very cool to interact with the younger and older kids.  I was mostly assigned to the younger kids which was fine with me; I loved entertaining and having fun with them.    I was responsible to sit with them at meal times and go around to all the different activities that they were involved in.  I was even given my own group of about 20 kids to do land games.  Now this was a challenge!    I didn't realize little kids could ask so many questions all at one time. We had the evenings to ourselves so we could just relax, watch movies, but usually we were so exhausted, we just stayed put.  I am very excited and happy to go back there when we go on our canoe trip, I cant wait!!!!!  It's such a great island with so much wildlife and things to do!  Get ready for some new camp songs!  

Saturday, June 16, 2012


We all had excellent experiences at our co-ops it seems like, I especially loved camp wahanowin. First of all, its in my lovely home town of Orillia! But growing up, going to camps was one of my favourite adventures so going to camp and being a leader was so interesting! Me and ann got our own cabin to ourselves which was awesome! To actually have a warm shower you had to run the hot water tap for at least 15 minutes (no exaggeration), there were plenty of mosquitos to go around and we had beautiful weather all of the first week! You may be surprised but i did indeed get a bit of a sunburn.... Our first week we job shadowed other counsellors in the area we wanted to lead the following week, I chose enviro (environmental studies) where you led the survival game, which was like predator and pray, and we did outdoor cooking and nature walks. I met so many interesting and amazing people. One person I'll never forget is Joey. He was 23 and led enviro with me, and only in 2 weeks he turned into a big brother figure. He was so goofy and always rode around camp on this squeeky little bike, so if you heard the squeeky bike you knew he was around!  Pete, our supervisor, was so funny and welcoming. I had my own cabin group to lead on the 2nd week, and they were the sweetest kids ever! They were little grade 5 boys and they were so funny and quite mature for their ages actually! But being young boys, they were very energetic and  wore me out quickly! I had no problem falling asleep those few days...

(Thanks, Ann)

I feel like that camp gives you so many opportunities to be adventerous and express yourself freely and no one cares, and thats something that can be difficult to find these days. Everyone there is so close just because its so easy to bond with them!Im so excited to go back and work there for the summer! Like the staff 2012 quote states; "A summer to remember!."

This being my last Geo 2012 blog entry, I just wanted to say i had an unreal semester with each one of you and Ill never forget this semester!

Christy :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

For two weeks I spent my co-op at Camp Couchiching. This was a great experience and I enjoyed it very much :) The staff there were the hardest working people I have seen, and I realized that the day I got there. They work around the clock and put every last bit of effort into everything. Being there I picked up some of there work techniques and tried to help out wherever I could. For the first couple of days I followed around the counselors and watched while they made the kid's faces light up. One of my favorite activities was archery, I liked it because that is where I saw kids come out of their comfort zones. One girl I remember seeing there, she was having a hard time with activities and groups because she did not know how to speak English. That being her case, made her not want to participate and was excluded from groups. In archery the instructions given by the counselor were easy to follow cause you just had to wash and observe techniques. Sure enough she caught on quickly and was getting bulls-eyes every time. It was the best thing to see her face light up and all the older boys look at her with their mouths open. That was one of my favorite memories there :)
The next week I was mostly on the water as it got pretty hot. I was in charge of helping kids with their boats and to help them if their boats tipped over. I definitely  got some muscle while doing that for a week. There were so many other activities that I had he chance to do; kayaking, canoeing, archery, Bic-boarding, arts and crafts and  a lot of others. I wish I could have stay there longer, it was quite the experience and was nice to meet such a lovely group of people and kids :)

Bailee :)