Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Lovely Looking Landscapes

Every thing I experienced, or saw in Costa Rica either surprised me, or exposed me to something brand new. Even though I have many experiences I could talk about, it's really the first thing I saw coming in to Costa Rica that made me understand the beauty of this place.

As our plane began its gradual decline into Costa Rica the first thing I noticed was how beautiful it was. I have never seen anything quite like it before. The landscape that this area is built upon is spectacular. There were mountainous areas, rivers, and of course the volcanoes. A landing like this does not even compare to what you see coming into Toronto.  Already I could tell this was a place of beauty.

As we continued to our first few area we saw the impact the landscape has taken due to past volcanic activity, we got to take a raft to explore the differences in our water sources, and fly above the trees over looking a huge rain forest. I honestly could not believe how extremely different our landscape is from a place like Costa Rica.

During our travel time was another time the vast differences stood out. When we were on the boat when you looked around the mountainous area was beautiful. It was none stop and seemed to be completely surrounding us. Also, while we were driving the roads of Costa Rica the winding and bendyness of them amazed me. It truly did feel like a ride at wonderland sometimes!

This sort of environment defiantly takes you away from the world of technology and busy streets. I think it really does open people eyes to the beauty our world has. It showed me great differences, and allowed me to realized that not every part of the world is covered with cement. However, in Canada it really feels like there is no green anymore.

Certain areas of the world have used and abused the natural beautiful landscape we had, and replaced it with buildings, and pavement. Costa Rica's landscape gave me a realization that I will never forget.

(For the record I did not take these pictures. I am having trouble taking my pictures off of my camera :$)

Alexa Bettcher

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