Tuesday, May 1, 2012

100 New Experiences

Each one of us traveled to Costa Rica thinking of all the new things we were about to try. But none of us ever thought of the effect it would truly have on us. Ziplining over top of the cloud forest, river rafting through a river in the middle of the rainforest, catching the perfect wave on a surfboard, paddling on a kayak through the ocean, snorkeling in the Pacific Ocean...these are all experiences people dream of doing and you have them checked off at 16! It is crazy to think that Costa Rica has already come and gone and we are back in the classroom but the stuff we accomplished and succeeded at over those 9 days in endless, and the way it made us feel is priceless. Sure we might not be able to tell everyone we went surfing but each one of us knows how truly awesome it was to experience that. For me surfing has always been near the top of my bucket list and it is still crazy to think how easily the opportunity arose. Just simply on a school trip and we decided to rent some surfboards along the beach and next thing I knew I was up on the board surfing! Actually able to come home and say that I did it. No one can ever comprehend what each of us felt over the span of those 9 days but we will always remember.

- Megan Stevenato

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