Friday, May 4, 2012

Tales From Playa Samara!!

Geo 2012 Costa Rica excursion was a cornucopia of new experiences! There were always new places to see and new people to meet. One of these places was Playa Samara!! In my opinion, it was the numero uno place we visited! 

I think I speak for the entire Geo2012 family when i say we were all looking to the sun, waves, and sand!

I remember that feeling I got when the bus pulled up to the hotel and I could see the vibrant blue water. It was such a drastic change from the other two areas we visited.

My favorite memories from Samara beach include roses and thorns by the pool, kayaking, body surfing, sitting at beach bar and bartering with the locals not to mention our favourite food spot on the beach.. and of course surfing! 

- Kramer

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