Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Costa Rican Food

 On our trip down to Costa Rica all of us got the opportunity to try many different foods a lot of us never even new existed. For example Yuca, tastes a bit like a potato but a little more dry.

 We also had the privilege of trying Plantains, which I personally did not like one bit. The majority of the food though I believe we've all had before, just not prepared or presented the same way as in Costa Rica.

The food prepared just had so much colour.... so full of life.

....And looked absolutely delicious to eat.

While we were down there we also learnt the proper way to cut fruit. On our river float and kayak adventures both guides cut them the same. One guy (Diaz) even taught me and a few others how to drink the juice out of the pineapple which I found super cool and can now write that down for my 100 new experiences.

A common food a  noticed we ate quite a bit of was rice and beans. Mmmm. I wasn't to keen on it at first, but it soon began to grow on me. I got a good chuckle one night though, because as I was just about to leave my room for dinner in Monteverde, Laura walks in and says "you might want to break out your safety food tonight, there's like only rice and beans." (above picture was our meal, clearly not just rice and beans... haha) Then as I walked outside I saw Jonny and a few other guys digging into the peanut butter on the front porch. So I don't think they had a full meal that night.    

I believe this picture captured my over all trip to Costa Rica  because it portrays all the beauty, fun, calmness, excitement, and memorable experience I had. As well I think almost every one of us at some point purchased a coke in one of those glass bottles because they were so neat and refreshing. But now, for me every time I see a coke like that it will remind me of Geo in CR. 

As good as the food was out in Costa Rica, I think it's safe to say everyone was happy to step foot into the food court at the Atlanta airport, and couldn't wait for a home cooked meal. 

It's been such an adventure being in Geo, and I thank the whole family for making it as fun as it's been. 
Geo Mama.

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