Wednesday, May 2, 2012

La Cultura de Costa Rica!

Our trip to Costa Rica opened up a lot of new experiences. One of which was the culture there. Our expectation for the culture there was much different ffrom when we got there and actually saw the culture.

Expectations before:
  • 3rd world country?
  • Only spanish speaking
  • No school for many
  • Tacos for dinner EVERYDAY!
I'd say that two cultural experience really stood out, and we learned a lot about them...
  • Agua Azul Escuela
  • The Familly - Family Visit
For those who had the chance to experience the "escuela" really learned a lot about how we take for granted alot in countries like Canada & USA. When we were playing the English-Espagnol games, the simplest game and the simplest things allowed them to have the best time EVER! And we could definately see it in their eyes. While talking to the director of the school she said that,"Yes, this may not be the biggest school, this may not be a private school, but this is what the kids look forward to every single day," and that just goes to show that we don't appreciate what we get for free every day.

As I've said before this was not a physical adventure (even though the walk back in the rain was) but it was an emotional adventure; and something that we won't forget. The 19th of April is a day we willl remember forever!

The second was the familia a familia visit. Where we were given the chance by UGA to visit an actual Costa Rican family, and it was really cool. The Kat extended family travelled to a house, on a cliff :O! The house's walls were made of cement and their roof of steel. It was great to try the food, what was really interesting about the food was that every single thing had not come form the market but a different home their neighbourhood. She said that's how things work here, you can trade things for something in turn and that's is how we make a lving instead of spending money to buy food. We also noticed their generous attitude, and not just in the homes but everywhere we went, everybody said,"hola."

-Mauricio Diaz

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