Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Freezing Rain Day....New Plan?

Hello students,

Looking out the portable window and the snow is starting to fall.....snowday(?).  Looks like we will need to bump our winter overnight experience to Monday/Tuesday.  I know a few students are juggling work.  Hopefully this is enough time to juggle scheduling. 

As of this moring (Wednesday) our schedule will be as follows...

Thusday - Prep Day as planned - tents, stoves, snowshoes
Friday - Snowshoe Mapping activity at Little Lake, gym for Fun Friday
Monday/Tuesday - Out overnight in Copeland Forest.
Wednesday - Atmosphere Unit Test, Climate Disaster Presentation
Thursday - Alpine ski/snowboard day
Friday - Block 1 wrap up.
March Break to follow.
Yikes!  Then is only a few weeks to Costa Rica. 
Time is going quickly!

Hope this keeps everybody up to speed. 


Hey GEO,
Just getting started today and see Freezing Rain Scheduled.  Looks like buses cancelled. 
Hmmmm..... new plan for GEO I guess.  See picture below for details. We still need a prep day so we will bump everything until Monday/Tuesday for our trip. Sound like a plan?

Monday, February 27, 2012

I Wanna Go Rock Climbing!

In class day for Geo

Monday, February 27 Geo Studies had an in class day, all day, which was quite unusual!
First off Simms was sick, get better soon! The whole class missed him today because even if we are doing some boring seat work he makes it fun and interesting by changing things up and doing group activities to interact with each other. But we had a supply, Mrs. Simmons, who was nice. We did some atmosphere work..while listening to Christy's awesome Geo playlist! Then we finished the movie, The Inconvenient truth. That movie is very eye opening, I've seen it a couple times now and each time something new shocks me, it's scary to think about some of the things that are happening to our environment.(Statistics about the ice melting and how many cities are going to be flooded.) Later with Ms. A we had some fun doing a group activity, which turned into some friendly competition for some suckers! We had to write the most answers down on a piece of paper from the top of our heads to the questions she asked. All the questions were about Universities and group ALMOST won! 
Anyways..get better Simms!

Courtney Ellis

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Rock Climbing // Outdoor Adventure Show

Friday, February 24 Geo Studies made they're mark in Toronto with Rock Climbing in the morning and a walk around at The Outdoor Adventure Show.

Rock Climbing on Friday was held at True North Climbing Gym where Geo Studies got to experience the thrill and atheism it takes to Rock Climb. Personally I have climbed before and enjoy it, but after a long day of boxing the day before and a hockey playoff game that night I was extremely tired and arms and upper body were at there limits. After learning the safety precautions and learning how to attach your harness properly and how to keep your partner safe while climbing the whole class was ready to climb. After I went up and down the wall a couple of times my body gave up and was out of juice, I wish I had more energy to participate in some of the other activities like Bouldering. Climbing sadly came to a close and we were off to our next stop which was the Outdoor Adventure Show.
True North

The Outdoor Adventure Show was a total blast! they're were so many booths and it was great to interact with all sorts of types of tour guides, one of the booths that I found most interesting was the Ontario Parks booth, it gave lots of different options on which parks to attend and which ones may appeal to you. I got lots of information and ideas on what I want to do for my trip proposal and am really looking forward to presenting it to the class.

The Outdoor Adventure Show

Can't wait to share my next adventure .
- Charles Knowler  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Unit #2- Atmosphere day 2

Today was spent in our lovely portable 2 home. Although it was a day filled with lots of seat work (which compared to our daily routine is quite foreign) Mr Simms still found a way to attract our attention to day two of our Atmosphere unit. We took a trip back to the past when we reviewed how to monitor climate change. We took in depths looks at the 3 different climate classifications. It was all pretty plain and simple seeing as we had spent weeks learning how to do it in Grade 10 geography. Maybe not the most exciting day for our Geo family but for a graphing lover this was a day spent in heaven. And for those of us who just wanted to get through our work for the sake of getting it done would of found ourselfs pleasently pleased seeing as the diffuclty level wasnt too high. Anyways, half way through the day it was a refreshing break to be split into groups of 2 or 3 and discover for ourselfs how climate can really change over the years. WE WERE ABLE TO DO ALL THIS WITH JUST A DECK OF CARDS, GRAPH PAPER, AND A HIGHLIGHTER! As always Mr Simms let us really figure it out on out own. Talk about cool!
By completing this small 20 minute activity we were able to see that over the 3 years we tracked the weather the weather changes incrimates were actually quite small. This really posed the question in are head to whether the the sustaining the earth is possible now or its impossible because we have reached our tipping point. It even made some of us rethink our previous anwser to this same question on our unit test the day before. Well thats it for now, you'll be hearing from us soon as we continue on your path of learning!

P.S. Heres alittle sneak peak at tommorow... were going boxing. Check back soon to here all about it!

- Laura Kuikman

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Test Day !

It's Monday, February 21st, just got back from the long weekend and we had a test today! I rocked it. There was a good variety of questions about our first unit, which was the environment. After the test, we watched a video on David Suzuki titled " The Suzuki Diaries" it showed us different ways that countries are converting to "green energy", windmills were a very popular form of energy production. When we came back from lunch we did some textbook work and then it was off to Flags Unlimited, where we were shown various things about the company. So far i am really enjoying the course, from all the things we learn indoors to all the fun activities we do outdoors. The trip that i have learnt the most from, would have to be curling. When we went last Friday i learnt a lot about patience because it takes quite a few tries before you get the rock to land perfectly in the opposing house. The class is amazing, all the students are really enthusiastic and easy-going! I'm really looking forward to the rest of the semester. :)

- William Lerch

Saturday, February 18, 2012





Thursday February, 16, 2012

Our ninth day of geostudies and it's another great week.  We all had our questions prepared and ready to ask the "elders" about their impression of our environment, in the past and now.  Grove Park Home was a short walk away and after we had all our groups arranged we went to meet our elder.  It was pretty eye opening to talk to a 90 year old woman who said at one time they used catalogue pages for toilet paper.  Talk about recycling!  She reminded us that this winter was ridiculous compared to the snow they used to get when the drifts would be up to her barn roof.  Good luck shovelling!  Back to school and it was time for presentations.  Lucky me, Thailand and the US were up first.  It was interesting to learn how similar the problems are that countries face every day, and to realize once again that living in Canada is a gift that we should take of.   Presentations over and it was time to figure out what to wear curling!  We were all pretty excited -- wondering if the videos would actually help us figure this new sport out.  The week goes by so quickly and I'm looking forward to all the weeks to come.



Lauren McIntyre

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 7 !

Wow ! Time sure does fly when you're having fun, and that's exactly what our time in GEO has been so far!
The past week has been crazy, but very enjoyable. For the first time skiing I was a bit nervous, but I got the hang of it (eventually), and skating with everyone was so much fun! But today has been pretty different compared to the other days. 

We spent most of the time in computer labs working on our sustainable development case study, and our careers portfolio. It definitely was a bit overwhelming to do regular school work for most of the day since we haven't really done much, but it wasn't too bad. I found the case study kind of interesting, especially coming up with ways on how our country can become more sustainable. It really made you think about what is most important to the country, and how you can change it to make it better for the future. 

At the end of the day we went over some details about our curling trip on Friday. I'm so excited ! I've never been curling before so this should be interesting. Hopefully I don't fall as much as I did skiing, but it'll be fun either way! We also did a mini curling tournament, with our high-tech equipment, paper clips and paper targets on the floor! The tournament was pretty intense, but I made it to one of the final rounds! Hopefully I'll be as good at curling as I am at paper clip curling.

Anyways, I can't wait to have an amazing semester with all of you!
Emily Phillips :)

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 6

Well, it's only been a week and Camp (geostudies) is just as I expected it to be..... Unreal!

We started off today with a delightful walk down to city hall for a morning skate. Once we arrived and laced up our skates, we took a spin on the freshly, snow covered ice. Are first activity of the day was a game that I think I'll call 'flag tag' (I just made up the name now:)), where everyone starts with two flags or three for the beginner skaters (which was the category I happened to fall under). Tyler took the victory in being the last one standing, but I give Lauren kudos for being the last girl in the game, and   keeping up with those boys.

From then we moved on to the opening ceremonies and 4 olympic events. Involving the Countries of USA, Thailand, and Tanzania competing for the Gold.  
1. Singles Speed Skate - Though I didn't know it was a hands on sport, until Jonny demonstrated how to out your competition (when taking out Tyler).
2. Doubles Speed Skate - From what I could tell was a fairly clean race.
3. Singles Ice Dance - Great performances by all the competitors.
4. Doubles Ice Dance - Great duets as well, from all the countries, although I got a bit turned around in mine. :0

We finished off the morning with a three way hockey game, using mini sticks. Everyone was a good sport (enthusiastic and positive) with no discouraging comments. Before we hit the sidewalk to return to our home base we snapped quick shot of the family, and thanked the kind lady for taking our picture and putting up with our crazy games. 

Once back in the classroom Simms told us of how the three countries we represented in the olympics relate to our next assignment. Looking further at how sustainable or unsustainable the USA, Thailand, and Tanzania are, should be interesting seeing the similarities and differences between them.

With Ms A we looked deeper at One-Way and Two-Way Communication and laughed lots at the games we played, like catch phase.

I'm excited to see what tomorrow brings and the future weeks to come.

Abby Prophet :D 


Monday, February 13, 2012

The High Price Of Materialism


Day 5!

Day 5!
Hey guys, so last Friday, as I'm sure you all remember, we took our first field trip of the semester! We headed out to Hardwood Hills for some X-Country Skiing where we would learn all about the style of "Skate Skiing". After being fitted up with boots, poles and a pair of skis we headed out to receive some instructions and helpful tips on how to skate ski from our knowledgeable instructor Norah. At this time Cailean and Megan also got their micro-teaching out of the way by giving us a brief history recap of the sport and by running a few drills. Throughout the morning there were a number of embarrassing tumbles and wipeouts from almost everyone, but this would not dampen our spirits! Whoever the unlucky skier was who took a tumble, he/she was always greeted with helping hands and words of encouragement.

Once all of our teaching was completed we took a quick lap of one of the many trails and then the group separated into those immediately going back to the chalet and those who wanted to stay for a small race of the trail. Those of us who stayed behind for the race lined up in single file and then at 15 second intervals struck out vigorously on the trial trying to complete it with the fastest time. Cailean left everyone in his dust at this point with an amazing time of 3 minutes flat! Thomas and I were the next closest with times of 4 minutes 10 seconds each.

After a short, but well needed, lunch break we took a few moments to learn about waxing skis and the different types of wax. Following this we had some free time in which some decided to ski a little more while others found it more appealing to stay and wax their skis. Perhaps Jonny and I should have stayed with that group because we both managed to chip our skis during the free time activities. We still haven't been billed for those skis so fingers are crossed!! :P

Following all that excitement Simms set up and awesome biathlon course for us to run and I don't want to brag but, MY TEAM WON! All in all this day was a great experience and we all shared some laughs and got to know each other even better. Geo really is shaping up quick into a tight knit family and I wouldn't wish it any other way.
Well, that’s it for now, take it easy guys!
Tyler Rowe

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Back Again...

So just looked at other peoples blogs entries and realized they were a lot longer... So I decided I will expand some more haha. Today we were not in the class as much because we had our course fair and we also left to watch wrestling. It was too bad we didn't get to see Stubbs wrestle but I heard she was very tank haha. I feel very blessed to have taken Geo with such an amazing group of individuals! I think back to Chemistry class last semester with Cailean and Mauricio and how everyday we would tell each other that Geo was coming and that is what got us through that tough semester! And it was so worth it! There are so many amazing things to look forward to this semester! I know Costa Rica will be amazing and going to a foreign country will just bring us that much closer together! By doing our true colours assignment you can tell all the different types of people we have in Geo but yet we all get along so good! As we work on our different colours I am sure we will be able to relate to people we probably thought we would never relate to which I think is really neat. For me as a blue I know I am not like a green or gold at all! But having better organizational skills and such I know would be handy so i'm looking forward to improving theses skills over the course of this semester. I am excited to see how everyone will develop throughout Geo and get to see their transformations at the end!

Megan Stevenato

Day 4! :)

So today is Thursday, our fourth day of GeoStudies. It's already going by so fast! We are starting to form the Geo family which is awesome and I know we will all get so much closer! Today we calculated our ecological footprints and found out how many earths we would need if everyone lived our lifestyle. Mine was 6.59 which was around the average. It's crazy to think of just the little things that affect our footprints. We also finished off our "Me Bag" presentations which is always interesting to watch and really learn more about our fellow classmates! By talking to people today I think we are all pretty excited for our skiing tomorrow! First Geo trip will be amazing! See everyone tomorrow :)

Megan Stevenato :)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I cant believe that we're ALREADY 3 days into our geo semester, it doesnt feel like it at all. so far so good though. i love the content and the way Simms and Ms A are making in the classroom a more fun learning environment. The constant change in desks keeps the room fresh and exciting unlike a room where the desks are always the same except for exam day. I was expecting geo to be fun and outdoorsy, but this takes it to the next level. And its only the 3rd day! I love all of the opportunities to move around, work with different people, and be active. Today we got Bob from Sojourn in to visit and that just got me all the more pumped for Costa Rica and all of our future adventures. I dont think my mom appreciated all of my new ideas of how our family should be more outside though. We also did the me bags with Ms A and i got to know a whole bunch of things about everyone that i did not expect at all. I will admit the flood of information and papers at the beginning confused me so bad as well as logging on to this blog but thanks to time and Ann Marie's direction I figured it out... sort of. Everything else has been super exciting and I can't wait to share the rest of the semester with all of you!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

DAY TWO!!! :)

second day of geooooo! WOOOO.FINALLY, after that long first day of being introduced to the whole course outline and having that anticipation of how it will all come together, we have started our first unit and are starting to become more familiar with what geo is really about. I feel like, even after two days of being in this class, people have started to become closer as a group and become more friendly to one and other which is a GREAT feeling! As i am writing this blog about how geo is turning out thus far, i am realizing how much we are able to learn and accomplish in one full day. its AMAZING how much more productive we can be staying in one room as a group. That reminds me again about one of simmers goals for this course: to prove that 4 different courses being integrated into one for a single class is a lot better than individually learning from books and stuff. I am already convinced that this type of learning is a lot more intriguing and fun to be around. anyways....

SOOO... to start off the day we wrote a, what i would call a pretty easygoing quiz on the manual that we were given the previous day. I thought the quiz was useful because it helped us remember to know about our whole course and everything that we will be doing. THEN simmers introduced the course on sustainable development. personally the topic of sustainable development really catches my interest because it is clear that in this world we need to become a lot more involve in sustaining our economy, environment and socially or it will all fall apart. I saw that the lorax movie really emphasized the importance of sustainable development. We also viewed a powerpoint on it as well as debated on which part of the environment was the most crucial to maintain. we learned that our population is the most important part to sustain. My group: christy, dunlop, tom and me argued for population and we ended up being right which was kind of funny cause we all bailed on it at the end! Looking forward to learning even more about that the next few weeks!

After lunch we had our careers class with andrychuk. We learned more about our true colours and that everyone has a certain amount of every colour in them which i thought was pretty interesting. We also were introduced to our first task which was the "me bag". You have to show the class who you are as a person by picking different things to put in your me bag. It took a bit of thinking but i thought of some good things that represented me.

For 5th period, Simms got us to do an exciting outdoor activity which involved groups from the class working together and leading each other through each of the games. I took a few falls for the team which was kind of funny but oh well i was going hard :P This activity really brought us together as a class. I thought it was cool how i took on a leadership which i usually have not done in the past.

Overall i am really enjoying the geostudies course and i cant wait for tomorrow! excited to see what sojourn is going to show us tomorrow :) anyways, thats all for now. PEACE!! :D


Monday, February 6, 2012

Geo Studies 2012 - Student Post: Day One

Today was a mess, but in an incredibly good way. It was like any other first day of any semester, full of paper work and 'what to expects'; except this time it was different. This time it was the first day of Geo Studies (something that I'm sure everyone in the class will agree on) the class you anticipate for months at a time, sometimes even years. For weeks now I've had a countdown on my phone, I've shared excited remarks with fellow students who I knew I'd be seeing everyday come second semester, and in all honesty last night I couldn't fall asleep because I was so excited and I know Cailean couldn't either because we were talking about it at about midnight last night. The first day truly lived up to my expectations of the course. Yes, I was expecting paperwork (perhaps not the overwhelming amount we got, it was rather suffocating actually what with a manual, permission forms and Costa Rica forms)and yes I was expecting the 'this is what we're going to do this semester and this is how everything is being broken down and marked', but what I was not expecting was how incredibly jammed packed the semester is with awesomeness (if that's even a word). We have roughly 2 trips each week, or at least 1, 2 work placements, a 9 day trip to Costa Rica, and a canoe or hiking trip at the end of the semester, PLUS we have assignments and everything packed on top of that (but the assignments actually look like they're going to be a ton of FUN). We did an icebreaker to start of the day answering 6 questions:

1.) what's our name or what we want others to call us
2.) if we were given a free plane ticket to go anywhere, where would we go?
3.) why did we choose to go to the above place?
4.) what have we heard about GEO thus far?
5.) what is one thing everyone should know about us?
6.) finally, do we have any questions directed strictly towards Simms about anything.

I volunteered to go first after Simms and of course tripped on the way up, ultimately making it okay for anyone else to mess up while doing theirs. We also did a 'first impressions' ice breaker activity with just Simms, no one knew until after that he video taped the whole thing, I got most of them though and I'll put that in later. We took a group picture, and like I said in my journal entry that's posted in the earlier post, the class is already starting to feel like a family. It's a very suttle feeling so far but it's defiantly there.

The day was full of lots of laughs, some embarassing moments, cinnamon rolls from Ms. Andrychuk, ice breakers, paper work, and just getting accustomed to the format of such a course. To end the day Andrychuk had us do a 'True Colours' activity. Each person individually answered questions as to what they thought their personality was most like, rating each row of 4 possibilities with a 1,2,3 or 4. At the end you totaled up your score and found out which colour best represented your personality. the colours where:

Blue: compassionate and caring, more of the 'loving' type
Orange: spontaneous, outrageous, and active type
Green: quizzical people who like to think of multiple ways of doing things
Gold: very orderly, procedural people who usually assist others

Our class had 6 True Blues, 1 True Golds, 1 or 2 True Greens and 12-13 true Oranges. Needless to say the Orange personality dominates our class.

Today was made up of being nervous and excited, to walking through that portable door and taking our first step into committing to the close knit family we will soon become, to first impressions and ice breakers, to personality activities, to laughs and embarrassing moments, to a burning desire for the adventure and promises that await us in the future we have as a class and family. I honestly could not have asked for a better first start to such an amazing part of my life and hopefully it will be something that changes me for forever.

- Ann-Marie Traynor. (:


Ok, I introduced this idea of generating a "digital journal" for our class. To get started, students created thier first impression of GEO 2012 after 2 periods of paperwork, information and welcoming. Here is what they had to say!

The general vibe is awesome and eveybody seems keen to get started. Although it looks like a huge undertaking, the course is actually "chunked" such that you always feel like there is something to look forward to. Manual Test Tuesday... make sure and know that thing inside out/upside down.


Day 1

First Day of GEOSTUDIES - tons of paperwork, information and trip details! Here is my class! After 2 years away from this course, it is nice to be back at the front of the GEOSTUDIES portable #2. Everything feels really familiar and I feel refreshed after a break from it last year. Welcome to those students who have "braved" a new experience at a different school than thier own. It is always tough rolling into a new facility when you don't know anybody. Bottom Line.... I think good things will come from GEO 2012! Here we go!
