Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Apples and Other Intriguing Things

Second day back from the March break and I’m guessing mast people are still trying to adjust to getting up in the morning. Today was a pretty busy and we had a lot to get done. To start off out beautiful day we had to write out unit test. Waking up in the morning knowing you have to write a test isn’t the greatest feeling but I guess it wasn’t that bad. I think that everyone felt confident writing it. After that we had some fun cutting up apples for our Biodiversity unit. I thought that it was a very interesting way to learn about taxonomy.We then ended off the first half of the day with some more notes on biodiversity. 

After our lunch break we were heading out to do a careers workshop with Miss A to work on our resume writing.. To be honest I wasn't really looking forward to this because I already had a resume but after the presentation, i learned a lot of new things. I found the workshop very helpful. They gave us out lines, tips about writing resumes, and best of all, They gave us all USB sticks! I also really enjoyed the walk to the workshop and back. It was super nice outside! So to wrap things up, today was a pretty interesting day that through a lot of good information our way. I wish that we had a chance to do something active, but I guess you cant do that every day.  Oh and one more thing....28 DAYS TILL COSTA RICA!!!!

Tom Dawson

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