Thursday, March 8, 2012

Horseshoe day for Geo!

Today was a pretty interesting day, in my opinion. Waking up and seeing that it was raining and knowing that would make the hills icier and that it was my first time skiing was slightly intimidating, to say the least. Me and Stevenato were given blue stickers and were stuck on that kiddy hill for the first bit of the morning until we went over to the big hills with jonny and kramer and them, which was hilarious. Tyler and Jonny had to teach me how to ski, and I didnt fall (that time) and that was super exciting and I can add flying into a bunch of trees while skiing onto my list of 100 things i did in geo that ive never done before. By the end of the day the majority of us were just all going down random hills, and it was actually so much fun! Dunlop and Allyson did their microteaching which apparently went pretty well, and everyone was actually really good at skiing and snowboarding. Gotta say i was nervous for today, but I'm glad we did it and its fair to say we all had fun, I dont even think anyone cared about the rain by the end of the day!

By: Christy Doo

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