Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Copeland Track Feild Trip

It is hard to believe that we are departing for our big trip in only a couple weeks! It seems like it was yesterday that second semester was just starting. It is true what they say “time flies when you are having fun”. Today was just another additional of the memories we will have for this semester. Today we went to the Copeland Track, and we got to stand right in the centre of one of the zeros of the “Project 2000”. I personally thought this as pretty cool to stand in. Although the wind kept the temperature low, measuring trees and taking core samples personally kept me warm. I cannot believe the difference in the temperature of last week and this week.  I personally also enjoyed listening to Simmers and           Mr. Ruzylo stories about tree planting. I think that going through the experience of that would be a lot of work but worth it.

 ALSO HAPPY BIRTHDAY THOMAS DAWSON! Tomorrow we have our test on forestry, and then we get to take the city bus down to Mountain Equipment Co-op (MEC). Can't wait to see what the furture has in store for the rest of the Geo class this year.
This is Jonny Crew logging off.

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